Our bi-annual Joint Action Meeting (JAM) brings together cognitive scientists and researchers from related disciplines studying individuals’ ability to act together.
9th Joint Action Meeting (JAM 9)
Budapest, Hungary, July 10-12, 2023
JAM is back! Having skipped the meeting in 2021 due to the pandemic, it is our great pleasure to now finally invite you to attend the 9th bi-annual Joint Action Meeting (JAM) in Budapest next summer (July 10-12 2023). As always, JAM aims to bring together cognitive scientists and researchers from related disciplines studying individuals’ ability to act together. Human life is full of joint actions, ranging from a handshake to the performance of a symphony. We are highly skilled at coordinating our actions with those of others to reach common goals, and we rely on this ability throughout our daily lives. What are the cognitive and neural processes underlying this ability? How does joint action develop? How do language and gesture support and emerge from joint action? What are the basic principles needed to build robotic systems that can interact with humans? What differentiates joint action from individual action, both conceptually and in terms of experience? The scientific program will comprise oral presentations and posters addressing these and related questions.
All participants are asked to contribute a registration fee to the meeting. The registration fee is €50 for students (including PhD students) and €100 for all other participants. Participant registration fee includes access to all conference sessions, coffee breaks, conference kit. There will be a dinner party on Tuesday, July 11th. If you'd like to take part, you will be asked to pay €35.
Please fill out the online registration form here: https://forms.gle/Z6rQs5aaqXypXeHU9
Please pay the registration and/or dinner fee here*: https://payments.ceu.edu/
*Tips when making the online payment:
- Under Department and Degree Level, please select "Not applicable" at the bottom
- Under Reason for payment, please select "JAM conference registration fee"
- If you pay in bulk, please list the names of participants under Comments.
JAM 9 will take place at the CEU Budapest Site, 1051 Budapest, Nador utca 15.
There is a large selection of hotels in the area, but we compiled a short list of recommended accommodation options here.
You can find a map of the area with some of the hotels, cafés, restaurants, and grocery stores here.
If you are planning to print your poster locally, there is a number of print shops in Budapest. However, please note that most of them are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. We recommend contacting them via email before your trip to make sure that they can print your poster for a given date. Here is a print shop close to CEU.
Andrea Jenei, Central European University
Gunther Knoblich, Central European University
Ivana Konvalinka, Technical University of Denmark
Natalie Sebanz, Central European University
Anna Zamm, Aarhus University
If you have any questions, please contact us at jam9in2023@gmail.com.
Previous JAM meetings:
JAM VIII (2019): Genova, Italy Program
JAM VII (2017): London, United Kingdom Program
JAM VI (2015): Budapest, Hungary Program / Photos
JAM V (2013): Berlin, Germany Program
JAM IV (2011): Vienna, Austria Program
JAM III (2009): Amsterdam, The Netherlands Program
JAM II (2007): Rutgers University, NJ
JAM I (2005): Rutgers University, NJ