John Andrew Michael

in press

Bonalumi, F., Michael, J. & Heintz, C. (In Press, Mind & Language), Perceiving commitments: When we both know that you’re counting on me.



Székely, M., & Michael, J. (2023). In it together: evidence of a preference for the fair distribution of effort in joint action. Evolution and Human Behavior44(4), 339-348
Székely, M., & Michael, J. (2023). Perceiving Others’ Cognitive Effort Through Movement: Path Length, Speed and Time. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17470218231183963.


Chennells, M., Woźniak, M., Butterfill, S., Michael, J. (2022). Coordinated decision-making boosts altruistic motivation—But not trust. PLoS ONE, 17(10): e0272453.
McEllin, L., & Michael, J. (2022). Sensorimotor communication fosters trust and generosity: The role of effort and signal utility. Cognition, 224, 105066.

McEllin, L., Felber, A., & Michael, J. (2022). The Fruits of our Labour: Interpersonal coordination generates commitment by signaling a willingness to adapt. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17470218221079830.

Zhang, N., Bogart, K., Michael, J., & McEllin, L. (2022). Web-based sensitivity training for interacting with facial paralysis. Plos one17(1), e0261157.


Green, A., Siposova, B., Kita, S., & Michael, J. (2021). Stopping at nothing: Two-year-olds differentiate between interrupted and abandoned goals. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 209, 105171.

Michael, J., Chennells, M., Nolte, Ooi, J., Griems, J., London Personality and Mood Disorder Network, T, Christensen, W King-Casas, B., Fonagy, P. & Montague, R. (2021), Probing Commitment in Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research,
Westra, E., Terrizzi, B. F., van Baal, S. T., Beier, J. S., & Michael, J. (2021). Beyond avatars and arrows: Testing the mentalising and submentalising hypotheses with a novel entity paradigm. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74(10), 1709-1723.


Cross, L., Michael, J., Wilsdon, L., Henson, A., & Atherton, G. (2020), Still Want to Help? Interpersonal Coordination’s Effects on Helping Behaviour After a 24 Hour Delay,’ Acta Psychologica), 206, 103062.

Michael, J., Felber, A., and McEllin, L. (2020), ‘Prosocial Effects of Coordination: What, Why and How?’, Acta Psychologica 207, 103083.

Ooi, J., Siew, C., Butterfill, S., Lemola, S., Michael, J. (corresponding author), & Walasek, L., (2020), ‘Interpersonal Functioning in Borderline Personality Disorder Traits: A Social Media Perspective’, Nature: Scientific Reports 10, 1068 (2020).

Simonsen, A., Mahnkeke, M. I., Fusaroli, R., Wolf, T., Roepstorff, A., Michael, J., ... & Bliksted, V. (2020). Distinguishing Oneself from Others: Spontaneous Perspective-Taking in First Episode Schizophrenia and its relation to Mentalizing and Psychotic Symptoms. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open

Székely, M., & Michael, J. (2020). The Sense of Effort: A Cost-Benefit Theory Of The Phenomenology Of Mental Effort. Forthcoming in Review of Philosophy and Psychology. Retrieved from

Vignolo, A., Sciutti, A., & Michael, J. (2020). Using Robot Adaptivity to Support Learning in Child-Robot Interaction. In International Conference on Social Robotics (pp. 428-439). Springer, Cham.



Bonalumi, F., Isella, M., & Michael, J. (2019). Cueing implicit commitmentReview of Philosophy and Psychology, 1-20

Clarke, S., McEllin, L., Francová, A., Székely, M., Butterfill, S. A., & Michael, J. (2019). Joint action goals reduce visuomotor interference effects from a partner’s incongruent actionsNature: Scientific reports9(1), 1-9.

Green, A., McEllin, L., & Michael, J. (2019). Does Sensorimotor Communication Stabilize Commitment in Joint Action?: Comment on “The body talks: Sensorimotor communication and its brain and kinematic signatures” by G. Pezzulo et al. Physics of Life Reviews. 10.1016/j.plrev.2019.01.009

Liang, Y., Wolf, T., Török, G., Székely, M., & Michael, J. (2019, May 9). Comparing effort perception in individual and joint action contexts. Retrieved from

Michael, J., Gutoreva, A., Lee, H. M., Tan, P. N., Bruce, E. M., Székely, M., … Ludvig, E. A. (2019) Decision-makers use social information to update their preferences—but choose for others as they do for themselvesJournal of Behavioral Decision Making, 1-16. DOI: 10.1002/bdm.2163

Michael, J & Szigeti A. (2019) The Group Knobe Effect Evidence that People Intuitively Attribute Agency and Responsibility to GroupsPhilosophical Explorations. 22(1), 44-61.

Ooi, J., Francóva, A., Székely, M., & Michael, J (2019). The Sense of commitment in individuals with borderline personality disorder traits in a non-clinical population, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9: 519. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00519

Powell, H., & Michael, J. (2019). Feeling committed to a robot: why, what, when and how?. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 374(1771), 20180039.

Székely, M., Powell, H., Vannucci, F., Rea, F., Sciutti, A., & Michael, J. (2019). The perception of a robot partner’s effort elicits a sense of commitment to human-robot interactionInteraction Studies20(2), 234-255.

Vignolo, A., Powell, H., McEllin, L., Rea, F., Sciutti, A., & Michael, J. (2019, October). An adaptive robot teacher boosts a human partner’s learning performance in joint action. In 2019 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.

Vignolo, A., Sciutti, A., Rea, F., & Michael, J. (2019, November). Spatiotemporal Coordination Supports a Sense of Commitment in Human-Robot Interaction. In International Conference on Social Robotics (pp. 34-43). Springer, Cham.



Bing, R., & Michael, J. (2018). Overcoming the uncanny valley through shared stressful experience with a humanoid robot. Journal of Emerging Investigators.

Chennells, M & Michael, J (2018). Effort and performance in a cooperative activity are boosted by the perception of a partner’s effort, Nature: Scientific Reports (2018) 8:15692 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-34096-1

de Bruin, L. & Michael (2018) Prediction Error Minimization as a Framework for Social Cognition ResearchJournal of Erkenntnis pp. 1-20.

Michael, J., & Székely, M. (2018). The developmental origins of commitmentJournal of Social Philosophy49(1), 106-123.

Michael, J., Székely, M., & Christensen, W. (2018) Using episodic memory to gauge implicit and/or indeterminate social commitments. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X1700142X

Michael, J., Wolf, T., Letesson, C., Butterfill, S., Skewes, J., & Hohwy, J. (2018). Seeing it both ways: Using a double-cuing task to investigate the role of spatial cuing in Level-1 visual perspective-taking. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance44(5), 693.

Nagatsu, M, Larsen, L, Karabegovic, M, Székely, M,  Mønster, D. & Michael, J. (2018) Making good cider out of bad apples -- Signaling expectations boosts cooperation among would-be free riders, Judgment and Decision Making 13 (1), 137-149

Székely, M., & Michael, J. (2018). Investing in commitment: Persistence in a joint action is enhanced by the perception of a partner’s effort. Cognition174, 37-42.



de Bruin, L., & Michael, J. (2017). Prediction error minimization: Implications for Embodied Cognition and the Extended Mind Hypothesis. Brain and Cognition. 112, 58-63

Hohwy, J., Michael, J. (2017). Why should any body have a self? In: The Subject’s matter: Self-consciousness and the body. Vignemont, F., Alsmith, A. (eds.). MIT Press

Michael, J. (2017). Music Performance as Joint Action. In The Routledge Companion to Embodied Music Interaction (pp. 160-166). Routledge.

Michael, J., & Székely, M. (2017). Goal slippage: a mechanism for spontaneous instrumental helping in infancy?Topoi, 1-11.

Michael, J., & Salice, A. (2017). The Sense of Commitment in Human–Robot Interaction.International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-9.9 (5), 755-763

Salice, A., & Michael, J. (2017). Joint commitments and group identification in human-robot interaction. In Sociality and Normativity for Robots (pp. 179-199). Springer, Cham.



Christensen, W., & Michael, J. (2016). From two systems to a multi-systems architecture for mindreading. New Ideas in Psychology, 40, 48-64

Lowe, R., Almer, A., Lindblad, G., Gander, P., Michael, J., & Vesper, C. (2016). On the role of cognitive-affective states in joint action. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 10, 88.

Michael, J. (2016). What Are Shared Emotions (for)? Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 412.

Michael, J. & Christensen, W. (2016). Flexible goal attribution in early mindreadingPsychological Review, 123(2), 219-227

Michael, J, Sebanz, N, & Knoblich G., (2016), Observing Joint Action: Coordination Creates CommitmentCognition 157, pp 106-113.



Michael, J. (2015). Cultural learning and the reliability of the intentional stance. In Munoz-Suárez, C. (Ed.) Content and Consciousness 2.0: Four Decades After (Studies in Brain and Mind Series, vol 7). Springer, pp: 163-184. Response by Daniel Dennett, pp: 216-218.

Michael, J., Bogart, K., Tylen, K., Østergaard, J.R., Krueger, J., & Fusaroli, R. (2015). Training in compensatory strategies enhance rapport in interactions involving people with Möbius Syndrome. Frontiers in Endovascular and Interventional Neurology.,Volume 6, article 213.

Michael, J. & D’Ausilio, A. (2015). Domain-Specific and Domain-General Processes in Social Cognition – A Complementary Approach. Consciousness and Cognition. 18, 434-437.

Michael, J. & DeBruin, L. (2015). How direct is social perception? Consciousness and Cognition. 36, 373-375.

Michael, J., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2015). The sense of commitment: a minimal approachFrontiers in psychology6.

Michael, J. (2015) Putting unicepts to work: A teleosemantic perspective on the infant mindreading puzzle, Synthese, DOI: 10.1007/s11229-015-0850-x

Christensen, W. & Michael, J. (2015) From two systems to a multi-systems architecture for mindreading. New Ideas in Psychology, doi:10.1016/j.newideapsych.2015.01.003

Steglich‐Petersen, A., & Michael, J. (2015). Why Desire Reasoning is Developmentally Prior to Belief Reasoning Mind & Language 30.5: 526-549



Michael, J. (2014). Towards a consensus about the role of empathy in interpersonal understandingTopoi Vol. 33 (1): 157-172. 

Michael, J. &  Fardo, F. (2014). What (if anything) is shared in pain empathy? A critical discussion of De Vignemont and Jacob’s (2012) theory of the neural substrate of pain empathy. Philosophy of Science 81 (January 2014): 154-160.

Michael, J., Sandberg, K., Skewes. J., Wolf, T., Blicher, J., Overgaard, M. & Frith, C. (2014). Continuous theta burst demonstrates a causal role of premotor homunculus in action interpretationPsychological Science 25: 963-972.

Michael, J., Christensen, W. & Overgaard, S. (2014). Mindreading as social expertise, Synthese191:817–840. DOI: 10.1007/s11229-013-0295-z

Michael, J.  and Pacherie, E. (2014) On Commitments and other uncertainty reduction tools in joint action, Journal of Social Ontology1(1), 89-120.

Michael, J., Sandberg, K., Skewes, J., Wolf, T., Blicher, J., Overgaard, M., & Frith, C. (2014) Unconvincing statistical and functional inferences: Reply to Catmur, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8, nr: 00887. DOI=10.3389/fnhum.2014.00887

Skewes, J., Skewes, L., Michael, J., Konvalinka, I. (2014). Synchronised and complementary coordination mechanisms in an asymmetric joint aiming task, Experimental Brain Research, DOI: 10.1007/s00221-014-4135-2

Michael, J. and Wolf, T. (2014) Why apply a hierarchical predictive processing framework to musical perception and performance? Empirical Musicology Review, Vol. 9 (3-4).

Salice, A., & Michael, J. A. (2014). (How) Can Robots Make Commitments?. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications.


Michael, J. & Macleod, M. (2013). Applying the causal theory of reference to intentional conceptsPhilosophy of Science 80 (2): 212-230.

Overgaard, S. & Michael, J. (2013). The interaction theory of social cognition - a critique. Philosophical Psychology DOI: 10.1080/09515089.2013.827109.



Krueger, J. & Michael, J. (2012). Gestural coupling and social cognition: Moebius Syndrome as a case study, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6:81. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00081.

Michael, J. & Overgaard, S. (2012) Interaction and social cognition: A comment on Auvray et al.’s perceptual crossing paradigm, New Ideas in Psychology (30): 296–299.

Michael, J. (2012). Mirror systems and simulation: a neo-empiricist interpretation, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences: Volume 11 (4): 565-582



Michael, J. (2011). Interaction and Mindreading, Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2(3): 559-578.

Michael, J. (2011). Shared Emotions and Joint Action, Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2(2) 2011: 355-373.

Michael, J. (2011). Four Models of the Functional Contribution of the Mirror Neuron System Philosophical Explorations 14 (2) 2011: 185-194.