Thomas Wolf


Wolf, T., Goupil, L., & Canonne, C. (2023). Beyond togetherness: Interactional dissensus fosters creativity and tension in freely improvised musical duos. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts

Wolf, T., Novák, T. & Knoblich, G. Videos posted on the internet provide evidence for joint rushing in naturalistic social interactions. Sci Rep 13, 10584 (2023). 



Curioni, A., Voinov, P., Allritz, M., Wolf, T., Call, J., & Knoblich, G. (2022). Human adults prefer to cooperate even when it is costly. Proceeding of the Royal Society B, 

Wolf, T., & Knoblich, G. (2022). Joint rushing alters internal timekeeping in non-musicians and musicians. Scientific Reports12(1), 1190.



Goupil, L., Wolf, T., Saint‐Germier, P., Aucouturier, J. J., & Canonne, C. (2021). Emergent Shared Intentions Support Coordination During Collective Musical Improvisations. Cognitive Science, 45(1), e12932.

Van der Wel, R.P.R.D., Becchio, C., Curioni A. & Wolf, T. (2021) Understanding joint action: Current theoretical and empirical approaches. Acta Psychologica, 215,



Miton, H., Wolf, T., Vesper C., Knoblich G., Sperber D. (2020). Motor constraints influence cultural evolution of rhythm, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287,

Simonsen, A., Mahnkeke, M. I., Fusaroli, R., Wolf, T., Roepstorff, A., Michael, J., ... & Bliksted, V. (2020). Distinguishing Oneself from Others: Spontaneous Perspective-Taking in First Episode Schizophrenia and its relation to Mentalizing and Psychotic Symptoms. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open

Wolf, T., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2020). Adaptation to unstable coordination patterns in individual and joint actions. PLOS ONE15(5), e0232667.



Wolf, T., Vesper, C., Sebanz, N., Keller, P. E., & Knoblich, G. (2019). Combining Phase Advancement and Period Correction Explains Rushing during Joint Rhythmic Activities. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 9350.

Liang, Y., Wolf, T., Török, G., Székely, M., & Michael, J. (2019, May 9). Comparing effort perception in individual and joint action contexts. Retrieved from



Wolf, T., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2018). Joint Action coordination in expert-novice pairs: Can experts predict novices’ suboptimal timing? Cognition, 178, 103-108.  DOI:10.1016/j.cognition.2018.05.012 

Michael, J., Wolf, T., Letesson, C., Butterfill, S., Skewes, J., & Hohwy, J. (2018). Seeing it both ways: Using a double-cuing task to investigate the role of spatial cuing in Level-1 visual perspective-taking. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance44(5), 693.



Michael, J., Sandberg, K., Skewes. J., Wolf, T., Blicher, J., Overgaard, M. & Frith, C. (2014). Continuous theta burst demonstrates a causal role of premotor homunculus in action interpretation. Psychological Science 25: 963-972.

Michael, J. and Wolf, T. (2014) Why apply a hierarchical predictive processing framework to musical perception and performance? Empirical Musicology Review, Vol. 9 (3-4).

Michael, J., Sandberg, K., Skewes, J., Wolf, T., Blicher, J., Overgaard, M., & Frith, C. (2014) Unconvincing statistical and functional inferences: Reply to Catmur, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8, nr: 00887. DOI=10.3389/fnhum.2014.00887