Günther Knoblich

in press

Marschner, M., Dignath, D., & Knoblich, G. (in press). Me or We? Action-Outcome Learning in Synchronous Joint Action. Cognition247https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2024.105785



Constable, M., McEwen, E. S., Knoblich, G., Gibson, C., Addison, A., Peddie, S., & Call, J. (2024). Chimpanzees demonstrate a behavioural signature of human joint action. Cognitionhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2024.105747 

Vorobyova, L., Begus, K., Knoblich, G., Gergely, G., Curioni, A. (2024). PDF icon Better together: 14-month-old infants expect agents to cooperate. Open Mindhttps://doi.org/10.1162/opmi_a_00115



Dockendorff M, Schmitz L, Vesper C, Knoblich G (2023) Understanding others’ distal goals from proximal communicative actions. PLOS ONE 18(1): e0280265. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0280265
Gordon, J., Knoblich, G., &Pezzulo, G. (2023). Strategic task decomposition in joint action. Cognitive Sciencehttps://doi.org/10.1111/cogs.13316  
Konvalinka, I., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2023). The role of reciprocity in dynamic interpersonal coordination of physiological rhythms. Cognition, 230https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2022.105307
Wolf, T., Novák, T. & Knoblich, G. Videos posted on the internet provide evidence for joint rushing in naturalistic social interactions. Sci Rep 13, 10584 (2023). 


Curioni, A., Voinov, P., Allritz, M., Wolf, T., Call, J., & Knoblich, G. (2022). Human adults prefer to cooperate even when it is costly. Proceeding of the Royal Society B, 289doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2022.0128

Schweinfurth, M. K., Baldrige, D. B., Finnerty, K., Call, J., & Knoblich, G. (2022). Inter-individual coordination in walking chimpanzees. Current Biology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2022.09.059

Tominaga, A., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2022). Expert pianists make specific exaggerations for teaching. Scientific Reports https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-25711-3

Wolf, T., & Knoblich, G. (2022). Joint rushing alters internal timekeeping in non-musicians and musicians. Scientific Reports12(1), 1190. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-05298-5

Woźniak, M., Knoblich, G. (2022). Communication and action predictability: two complementary strategies for successful cooperation. Royal Society Open Science, 9(9), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.220577 

Woźniak, M., Knoblich, G. (2022) Self-prioritization depends on assumed task-relevance of self-association. Psychological Research https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-021-01584-5 

Woźniak, M., Schmidt, TT., Wu, YH, Blankenburg, F., Hohwy, J. (2022) Differences in working memory coding of biological motion attributed to oneself and others. Human Brain Mapping. https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.25879  



Azaad, S., Knoblich, G., Sebanz, N. (in press). Perception and Action in a Social Context (Elements in Perception). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009029049

Constable, M. D., Becker, M. L., Oh, Y. I., & Knoblich, G. (2021). Affective compatibility with the self modulates the self-prioritisation effect. Cognition and Emotion, 35(2), 291-304.

Dockendorff, M., Schmitz, L., Knoblich, G., & Vesper, C. (2021). Understanding distal goals from proximal communicative actions. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 43, No. 43). Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/5pf3s6kd

Schmitz, L., Knoblich, G., Deroy, O., & Vesper, C. (2021). Crossmodal correspondences as common ground for joint action. Acta Psychologica, 212, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2020.103222

Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2021). Progress in Joint-Action ResearchCurrent Directions in Psychological Science, 30, 138-143. doi:10.1177/0963721420984425

Strachan, J. W., Curioni, A., Constable, M. D., Knoblich, G., & Charbonneau, M. (2021). Evaluating the relative contributions of copying and reconstruction processes in cultural transmission episodes. PLOS ONE, 16(9), e0256901.

Zamm, A., Debener, S., Konvalinka, I., Sebanz, N., Knoblich, G. (2021). The Sound of Silence: An EEG study of how musicians time pauses in individual and joint music performance. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 16, 31-42, https://doi.org/10.1093/scan/nsaa096


Begus, K., Curioni, A., Knoblich, G., & Gergely, G. (2020). Infants understand collaboration: Neural evidence for 9-month-olds’ attribution of shared goals to coordinated joint actions. Social Neuroscience15(6), 655-667. doi.org/10.1080/17470919.2020.1847730

Constable, M.D., & Knoblich, G. (2020) Sticking together? Re-binding previous other-associated stimuli interferes with self-verification but not partner-verification. Acta Psychologica, 210(103167). doi: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2020.103167

Curioni, A., Knoblich, G., Sebanz, N., Sacheli, L. (2020) The engaging nature of interactive gestures. PLoS ONE 15(4): e0232128. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0232128

Kourtis, D., Jacob, P., Sebanz, N., Sperber, D., & Knoblich, G. (2020). Making sense of human interaction benefits from communicative cues. Scientific Reports, http://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-75283-3

McEllin, L., Knoblich, G. & Sebanz, N. (2020). Synchronicities that shape the perception of joint action. Scientific Reports, 1015554. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-72729-6

Miton, H., Wolf, T., Vesper C., Knoblich G., Sperber D. (2020). Motor constraints influence cultural evolution of rhythm, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287, http://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2020.2001

Sabu, S., Curioni, A, Vesper, C., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2020). How does a partner’s motor variability affect joint action? PLoS ONE doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0241417

Strachan, J., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2020). Skill and Expertise in Joint Action. In E. Fridland & C. Pavese (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Skill and Expertise. London, UK: Routledge.

Strachan, J. W., Constable, M. D., & Knoblich, G. (2020). It goes with the territory: Ownership across spatial boundaries. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance46(8), 789. https://doi.org/10.1037/xhp0000742

Voinov, P. V., Call, J., Knoblich, G., Oshkina, M., Allritz, M. (2020). Chimpanzee coordination and potential communication in a two-touchscreen turn-taking gameScientific Reports, doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-60307-9.

Wolf, T., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2020). Adaptation to unstable coordination patterns in individual and joint actions. PLOS ONE15(5), e0232667. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0232667


Constable, M. D., Elekes, F., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2019). Relevant for us? We-prioritization in cognitive processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45 (12), 1549-1561. https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/xhp0000691 

Curioni A, Sebanz N, Knoblich G (2019). Joint Action in Humans – A Model for Human-Robot Interactions. In: Goswami A, Vadakkepat P (eds). Humanoid Robotics: A Reference. Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht. 

Curioni, A., Vesper, C., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2019). Reciprocal information flow and role distribution support joint action coordinationCognition, 187, 21-31.

Dockendorff, M., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2019). Deviations from optimality should be an integral part of a working definition of SMC: Comment on" The body talks: Sensorimotor communication and its brain and kinematic signatures" by Pezzulo et al. Physics of life reviews, 28, 22.

Kourtis, D., Woźniak, M., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2019). Evidence for we-representations during joint action planning. Neuropsychologia131, 73-83.

Mills, P. F., Harry, B., Stevens, C. J., Knoblich, G., & Keller, P. E. (2019). Intentionality of a co-actor influences sensorimotor synchronisation with a virtual partnerQuarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology72(6), 1478-1492.

Strachan, J. W., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2019). The role of emotion in the dyad inversion effect. PloS One14(7).

Voinov, P. V., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2019). Collective benefit in joint perceptual judgments: Partial roles of shared environments, meta-cognition, and feedback. Cognition189, 116–130.

Wolf, T., Vesper, C., Sebanz, N., Keller, P. E., & Knoblich, G. (2019). Combining Phase Advancement and Period Correction Explains Rushing during Joint Rhythmic Activities. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 9350. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-45601-5

Wozniak, M., & Knoblich, G. (2019). Self-Prioritization of Fully Unfamiliar StimuliQuarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1747021819832981


Curioni A, Sebanz N, Knoblich G (2018) Can we identify others' intentions from seeing their movements? Comment on “Seeing mental states: An experimental strategy for measuring the observability of other minds” by Cristina Becchio et al., Physics of Life Reviews, 84-87.

Lewis, P. A., Knoblich, G., & Poe, G. (2018). How memory replay in sleep boosts creative problem solving. Trends in Cognitive Science, 22, 491-503.

McEllin, L., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2018). Distinct kinematic markers of demonstration and joint action coordination? Evidence from virtual xylophone playing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44(6), 885-897.

McEllin, L., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2018). Identifying others' informative intentions from movement kinematics. Cognition, 180, 246-258.

McEllin, L., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2018). Imitation from a Joint Action PerspectiveMind and Language33(4), 342–354.

Sakurada, T., Knoblich, G., Sebanz, N., Muramatsu, S. I., & Hirai, M. (2018). Probing links between action perception and action production in Parkinson's disease using Fitts' law. Neuropsychologia111, 201-208.

Schmitz, L., Vesper, C., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2018). Co-actors Represent the Order of Each Other’s Actions. Cognition, 181, 65-79.

Schmitz, L., Vesper, C., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2018). When height carries weight: Communicating hidden object properties for joint action. Cognitive Science, 42(6), 2021-2059.

Wolf, T., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2018). Joint Action coordination in expert-novice pairs: Can experts predict novices’ suboptimal timing? Cognition, 178, 103-108. DOI:10.1016/j.cognition.2018.05.012 

Woźniak M, Kourtis D, Knoblich G (2018) Prioritization of arbitrary faces associated to self: An EEG studyPLoS ONE 13(1): e0190679



Knauff, M., & Knoblich, G. (2017). Logisches Denken. In Allgemeine Psychologie (pp. 533-585). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Novembre, G., Knoblich, G., Dunne, L., & Keller, P. E. (2017). Interpersonal synchrony enhanced through 20 Hz phase-coupled dual brain stimulation. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience12(4), 662-670.

Pezzulo, G., Iodice, P., Donnarumma, F., Dindo, H., & Knoblich, G. (2017). Avoiding accidents at the champagne reception: A study of joint lifting and balancing. Psychological science28(3), 338-345.

Schmitz, L., Vesper, C., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2017). Co-representation of others' task constraints in joint action. Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance43(8), 1480-1493.

Vesper, C., Schmitz, L., & Knoblich, G. (2017). Modulating action duration to establish non-conventional communication. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 146, 1722-1737.

Voinov, P. V., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2017). Perceptual judgments made better by indirect interactions: Evidence from a joint localization task. PLoS ONE12(11), e0187428.


Dewey, J., & Knoblich, G. (2016). Representation of Self vs. Others’ Actions. In S. S. Obhi & E. S. Cross (Eds), Shared Representations: Sensorimotor Foundations of Social Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

Michael, J, Sebanz, N, & Knoblich G., (2016), Observing Joint Action: Coordination Creates CommitmentCognition 157, pp 106-113.

Peter F. Dominey, Tony J. Prescott, Jeannette Bohg, Andreas K. Engel, Shaun Gallagher, Tobias Heed, Matej Hoffmann, Günther Knoblich, Wolfgang Prinz, and Andrew Schwartz (2016). Implications of Action-Oriented Paradigm Shifts in Cognitive Science. In A. K. Engel, K. J. Friston, and D. Kragic (Eds.): The Pragmatic Turn: Toward Action-Oriented Views in Cognitive Science (Strüngmann Forum Reports, 18, pp. 333-356). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Vesper, C., Schmitz, L., Safra, L., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2016). The role of shared visual information for joint action coordinationCognition, 153, 118-123.

Vesper, C., Schmitz, L., & Knoblich, G. (2016). Using Violations of Fitts’ Law to Communicate during Joint Action. In A. Papafragou, D. Grodner, D. Mirman, & J.C. Trueswell (Eds.),Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2219-2224). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Wahn, B., Schmitz, L., Koenig, P., & Knoblich, G. (2016). Benefiting from Being Alike: Interindividual Skill Differences Predict Collective Benefit in Joint Object Control. In A. Papafragou, D. Grodner, D. Mirman, & J.C. Trueswell (Eds.), Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2747-2752). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.



Eskenazi, T., Rueschemeyer, S.-A., de Lange, F.P., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2015). Neural correlates of observing joint actions with shared intentionsCortex, 70, 90-100.

Michael, J., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2015). The sense of commitment: a minimal approachFrontiers in psychology6.

Ramenzoni, V.C., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2015). Synchronous Imitation of Continuous Action Sequences: The Role of Spatial and Topological Mapping. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41, 1209-1222.

Van der Wel, R.P.R.D., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2015). A joint action perspective on embodiment. In Y. Coello & M. Fischer (Eds), Foundations of Embodied Cognition (165-181). Oxford, UK: Psychology Press.


Dewey, J. A., & Knoblich, G. (2014). Do implicit and explicit measures of the sense of agency measure the same thing? PLoS ONE, 9(10):e110118.

Dewey, J. A., Pacherie, E., & Knoblich, G. (2014). The phenomenology of controlling a moving object with another person.Cognition, 132(3), 383-397.

Kourtis, D., Knoblich, G., Wozniak, M., & Sebanz, N. (2014). Attention allocation and task representation during joint action planningJournal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26(10), 2275-86.

Öllinger, M., Jones, G., & Knoblich, G. (2014). The dynamics of search, impasse, and representational change provide a coherent explanation of difficulty in the nine-dot problem. Psychological Research, 78(2), 266-275.

Öllinger, M., Jones, G., & Knoblich, G. (2014). Insight and search in Katona’s Five-Square problem. Experimental Psychology. 61(4), 263-272.

Ramenzoni, V., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2014). Scaling-up perception-action links: Evidence from synchronization with individual and joint action.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 40, 1551-1565. 

van der Wel, R.P.R.D., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2014). Do people automatically track others' beliefs? Evidence from a continuous measure. Cognition, 130(1), 128-133.

Vesper, C., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2014). Our actions in my mind: Motor imagery of joint action. Neuropsychologia, 55, 115-121.



Colling, L., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2013). How does "mirroring" support joint action? Cortex, 29, 2964-2965.

Eskenazi, T., Doerrfeld, A., Logan, G.D., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2013). Your words are my words: Effects of acting together on encoding. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66, 1026-1034.

Kourtis, D., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2013). History of interaction and task distribution modulate action simulation.Neuropsychologia, 51, 1240-1247.

Kourtis, D., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2013). Predictive representation of other people's actions in joint action planning: An EEG study. Social Neuroscience, 8, 31-42.

Loehr, J.D., Kourtis, D., Vesper, C., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2013). Monitoring individual and joint action outcomes in duet music performance. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25, 1049-1061.

Loehr, J.D., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2013). Joint action: From perception-action links to shared representations. In W. Prinz, M. Beisert, & A. Herwig, Tutorials in Action Science (pp. 333-353). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Maister, L., Sebanz, N., Knoblich, G., & Tsakiris, M. (2013). Experiencing ownership over a dark-skinned body reduces implicit racial bias. Cognition, 128, 170-178.

Öllinger, M., Jones, G., & Knoblich, G. (2013). Cognitive mechanisms of insight: The role of heuristics and representational change in solving the 8-coin problem. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 39, 931-939.

van der Wel, R.P.R.D., & Knoblich, G. (2013). Cues to agency: Time can tell. In J. Metcalfe & H. Terrace, Joint Attention and Metacognition. New York: Oxford University Press.

van der Wel, R.P.R.D., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2013). Action perception from a common coding perspective. In K. Johnson and M. Schiffrar (Eds.). People Watching: Social, Perceptual and Neurophysiological Studies of Body Perception(pp. 101-119). New York: Oxford University Press.

Vesper, C., Schmitz, L., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2013). Joint action coordination through strategic reduction in variability. In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz, & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1522 - 1527). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.

Vesper, C., van der Wel, P. R. D., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2013). Are you ready to jump? Predictive mechanisms in interpersonal coordination. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 39(1), 48-61.

Wu, L., Knoblich, G., & Luo, J. (2013). The role chunk tightness and chunk familiarity in problem solving: Evidence from ERPs and fMRI. Human Brain Mapping, 34(5), 1173-1186.


Böckler, A., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2012). Effects of co-actor's focus of attention on task performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38(6),1404-1415.

Eskenazi, T., Rotshtein, P., Grosjean, M., & Knoblich, G. (2012). The neural correlates of Fitts's law in action observation: an fMRI study. Social Neuroscience, 7, 30-41..

Kourtis, D., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2012). EEG correlates of Fitts's law during preparation for action. Psychological Research, 76, 383-387.

Van der Wel, R. P. R. D., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2012). The sense of agency during skill learning in individuals and dyads. Consciousness and Cognition, 21, 1267-1279.


Atmaca, S., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2011). The joint Flanker effect: Sharing tasks with real and imagined co-actorsExperimental Brain Research, 211, 371-385.

Böckler, A., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2011). Giving a helping hand: Effects of joint attention on mental rotation of body partsExperimental Brain Research, 211, 531-545.

Böckler, A., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2011). Observing shared attention modulates gaze following. Cognition, 120, 292-298

Hauser, M(artha), Knoblich, G., Repp, B., Lautenschlager, M., Gallinat, J., Heinz, A., & Voss, M. (2011). Altered sense of agency in schizophrenia and putative psychotic syndrome. Psychiatry Research186, 170-176.

Knoblich, G., Butterfill, S., & Sebanz, N. (2011). Psychological research on joint action: theory and data. In B. Ross (Ed.),The Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 54 (pp. 59-101), Burlington: Academic Press.

Streuber, S., de la Rosa, S., Knoblich, G., Sebanz, N., & Buelthoff, H.H. (2011). The effect of social context on the use of visual information. Experimental Brain Research. 214, 273-284

Tsai, J. C. C., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2011). On the inclusion of externally controlled actions in action planning.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 37, 1407-1419.

Tsai, C., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2011). The GROOP effect: Groups mimic group actions. Cognition118, 135-140.

van der Wel, R.P.R.D., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2011). Let the force be with us: Dyads exploit haptic coupling for coordination. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance1420-1431

Vesper, C., van der Wel, R.P.R.D., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2011). Making oneself predictable: Reduced temporal variability facilitates joint action coordination. Experimental Brain Research, 211, 517-530.


Böckler, A., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2010). Socializing cognition. In B. Glatzeder, V. Goel, & A. Mueller (Eds.),Perspectives on Thinking (pp. 233-250). Heidelberg: Springer.

Heed, T., Habets, B., Sebanz, N, & Knoblich, G. (2010). Others' actions reduce cross-modal integration in peripersonal spaceCurrent Biology, 20, 1345-1349.

Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2010). Mirror Neurons. In Bruce Goldstein (Ed.) Sage Encyclopedia of Perception.

Kourtis, D., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2010). Favouritism in the motor system: Social interaction modulates action simulation. Biology Letters, 6, 758-761.

Leube, D. T., Knoblich, G., Erb, M., Schlotterbeck, P., & Kircher, T. J. (2010). The neural basis of disturbed efference copy mechanism in patients with schizophrenia. Cognitive Neuroscience, 1, 111-117.

Sebanz, N. & Knoblich, G. (2010). Embodied Perception. In Bruce Goldstein (Ed.) Sage Encyclopedia of Perception.

Spivey, M. J., Dale, R., Knoblich, G., & Grosjean, M. (2010). Do curved reaching movements emerge from competing perceptions? A reply to van der Wel et al. (2009). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36, 251-254.

Vesper, C., Butterfill, S., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2010). A minimal architecture for joint action. Neural Networks, 23,998-1003.


Bach, P., Gunter, T. C., Knoblich, G., Prinz, W., & Friederici, A. D. (2009). N400-like negativities in action perception reflect the activation of two components of an action representation. Social Neuroscience, 4, 212-232.

Eskenazi, T., Grosjean, M., Humphreys, G. W., & Knoblich, G. (2009). The role of motor simulation in action perception: A neuropsychological case study. Psychological Research, 73, 477-485.

Knoblich, G., & Repp, B. (2009). Inferring agency from sound. Cognition, 111, 48-262.

Luo, J., Knoblich, G., & Lin, C. (2009). Neural correlates of insight phenomena. In E. Kraft, E. Poeppel, & B. Gulyas (Eds.),Neural Correlates of Thinking. Heidelberg: Springer.

Öllinger, M., & Knoblich, G. (2009). Psychological research on insight problem solving. In H. Atmanspacher and H. Primas (Eds.), Wolfgang Pauli's philosophical ideas and contemporary science. Berlin: Springer.

Repp, B., & Knoblich, G. (2009). Performed or observed keyboard actions affect pianists' judgments of relative pitchQuarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62, 2156-2170.

Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2009). Jumping on the ecological bandwagon? Mind the gap! European Journal of Social Psychology, 39, 1230-1233.

Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2009). Prediction in Joint Action: What, when, and where. Topics in Cognitive Science, 1, 353-367.

Wu, L., Knoblich, G., Wei, G., & Luo, J. (2009). How perceptual processes help to generate new meaning: An EEG study of chunk decomposition in Chinese characters. Brain Research, 1296, 104-112.


Atmaca, S., Sebanz, N., Prinz, W., & Knoblich, G. (2008). Action co-representation: The joint SNARC effect. Social Neuroscience, 3, 410-420.

Knoblich, G. (2008). Motor contributions to action perception. In R. Klatzky, B. MacWhinney, & M. Behrmann: Embodiment, Ego-Space, and Action (The 34th Carnegie Symposium on Cognition). New York: Psychology Press.

Knoblich, G. & Öllinger, M. (2008). Problemlösen und logisches Schließen [Problem solving and reasoning]. In J. Müsseler (Ed.), Allgemeine Psychologie, 2nd ed. (pp. 552-598). Heidelberg: Spektrum.

Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2008). Evolving intentions for social interaction: From entrainment to joint action. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 363, 2021-2031

Öllinger, M., Jones, G., & Knoblich, G. (2008). Investigating the effect of mental set on insight problem solving. Experimental Psychology, 55, 270-282.

Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2008). From mirroring to joint action. In: Wachsmuth, I., Lenzen, M., & Knoblich, G. (Eds.).Embodied Communication (pp. 129-150). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Sebanz, N., Knoblich, G., & Humphreys., G. (2008). "Cognitive Ethology" for Humans: Inconvenient Truth or Attentional Deficit? British Journal of Psychology, 99, 347-350.

Wachsmuth, I., & Knoblich, G. (Eds.) (2008). Modelling Communication with Robots and Virtual Humans. Berlin: Springer.

Wachsmuth, I., Lenzen, M., & Knoblich, G. (Eds.) (2008). Embodied Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wachsmuth, I., Lenzen, M., & Knoblich, G. (2008). Introduction to Embodied Communication: Why communication needs the body. In I. Wachsmuth, M. Lenzen, & G. Knoblich (Eds.), Embodied Communication (pp. 1-28). Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Grosjean, M., Shiffrar, M., & Knoblich, G. (2007). Fitt's law holds in action perception. Psychological Science, 18, 95-99.

Keller, Knoblich, & Repp (2007). Pianists duet better when they play with themselves. Consciousness and Cognition, 16, 102-111.

Luo, J., & Knoblich, G. (2007). Studying insight with neuroscientific methods. Methods, 42, 77-86.

Repp, B. H., & Knoblich, G. (2007). Action can affect auditory perception. Psychological Science, 18, 6-7.

Repp, B. H., & Knoblich, G. (2007). Towards a psychophysics of agency: Detecting gain and loss of control over auditory action effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 33, 469-482.

Sebanz, N., Rebbechi, D., Knoblich, G., Prinz, W., & Frith, C. D. (2007). Is it really my turn? An event-related fMRI study of task sharingSocial Neuroscience, 2, 81-95.


Bosbach, S., Knoblich, G., Reed, C., Cole, J., & Prinz, W. (2006). Body inversion effect without body sense: Insights from deafferentation. Neuropsychologia, 44, 2950-2958.

Knoblich, G. (2006). An introduction to intention and action in body perception: The body as the actor's tool. In G. Knoblich, I. M. Thornton, M. Grosjean, & M. Shiffrar (Eds.), Perception of the human body. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Knoblich, G. & Öllinger, M. (2006). Einsicht und Umstrukturierung beim Problemlösen [Insight and restructuring in problem solving]. In J. Funke (Eds.), Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, Denken und Problemlösen. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Knoblich, G., & Öllinger, M. (2006). Lautes Denken [Thinking aloud]. In J. Funke & P. A. Frensch, (Eds.): Handbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie. Goettingen: Hogrefe.

Knoblich, G., & Öllinger, M. (2006). The Eureka moment. Scientific American Mind, 10/2006, 38-43.

Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2006). The social nature of perception and action. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15, 99-104.

Knoblich, G., Thornton, I., Grosjean, M., & Shiffrar, M. (2006). Human Body Perception from the Inside Out: Integrating Perspectives on Human Body Perception. In G. Knoblich, I. M. Thornton, M. Grosjean, & M. Shiffrar (Eds.), Perception of the human body. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Knoblich, G., Thornton, I., Grosjean, M., & Shiffrar, M. (Eds.) (2006). Perception of the human body. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Koch, I., Knoblich, G., & Prinz, W. (2006). Handlungsplanung und Handlungssteuerung [Action planning and action control]. In J. Funke & P. A. Frensch, (Eds.): Handbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie. Goettingen: Hogrefe.

Luo, J., Niki, K., & Knoblich, G. (2006). Perceptual contributions to problem solving: Chunk decomposition of Chinese characters. Brain Research Bulletin, 70, 430-443.

Öllinger, M., Jones, G., & Knoblich, G. (2006). Heuristics and Representational Change in Two-Move Matchstick Arithmetic Tasks. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 2, 239-253.

Öllinger, M., & Knoblich, G. (2006). Das Lösen einfacher Probleme [Solving simple problems]. In J. Funke & P. A. Frensch, (Eds.): Handbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Öllinger, M., & Knoblich, G. (2006). Einsicht [Insight problem solving]. In J. Funke & P. A. Frensch, (Eds.): Handbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Sebanz, N., Bekkering, H., & Knoblich, G. (2006). Joint action: Bodies and minds moving together. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10, 70-76.

Sebanz, N., Knoblich, G., Prinz, W., & Wascher, E. (2006). Twin Peaks: An ERP study of action planning and control in co-acting individuals. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 859-870.

Sebanz, N., & Prinz, W. (Eds.) (2006). Disorders of Volition. MIT Press.

Thornton, I. M., & Knoblich, G. (2006). Action perception: Seeing the world through a moving body. Current Biology, 16, R27-R29.


Bach, P., Knoblich, G., Gunter, T. C., Friederici, A. D., & Prinz, W. (2005). Action comprehension: Deriving spatial and functional relations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 31, 465-479.

Bosbach, S., Cole, J., Prinz, W., & Knoblich, G. (2005). Inferring another's expectation from action: The role of peripheral sensation. Nature Neuroscience, 8, 1295-1297.

Knoblich, G., & Öllinger, M. (2005). Vom Geistesblitz getroffen [Struck by inspiration]. Gehirn und Geist, 11/2005.

Knoblich, G., & Öllinger, M., & Spivey, M. (2005). Tracking the eyes to obtain insight into insight problem solving. In G. Underwood (Ed.), Cognitive Processes in Eye Guidance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Knoblich, G., & Prinz, W. (2005). Linking perception and action: An ideomotor approach. In H.-J. Freund, M. Jeannerod, M. Hallett, & R. C. Leiguarda (Eds.), Higher-order motor disorders (pp. 79-104). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. Agency in the face of error (2005). Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9, 259-261.

Rieger, M., Knoblich, G., & Prinz, W. (2005). Compensation for and adaptation to changes in the environment. Experimental Brain Research, 163, 487-502.

Sebanz, N., Knoblich, G., & Prinz, W. (2005). How two share a task: Corepresenting Stimulus-Response mappings. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 31, 1234-1246.

Sebanz, N., Knoblich, G., Stumpf, L., & Prinz, W. (2005). Far from action blind: Representation of others´ actions in individuals with autism. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 22, 433-454.

Spivey, M., Grosjean, M., & Knoblich, G. (2005). Continuous attraction toward phonological competitors: Thinking with your hands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102, 10393-10398.

Wachsmuth, I., & Knoblich, G. (2005). Embodied Communication in humans and machines. AI Magazine, 26, 85-86.

Wachsmuth, I., & Knoblich, G. (2005). Embodied Communication in humans and machines – A research agenda. Artificial Intelligence Review, 26, 85-86.

Wilson, M., & Knoblich, G. (2005). The case for motor involvement in perceiving conspecifics. Psychological Bulletin, 131, 460-473.


Flach, R., Knoblich, G., & Prinz, W. (2004a). Recognizing one's own clapping: The role of temporal cues. Psychological Research, 11, 147-156.

Flach, R., Knoblich, G., & Prinz, W. (2004b). The two-thirds power law in motion perception: When do motor anticipations come into play? Visual Cognition, 11, 461-481.

Jordan, J. S., & Knoblich, G. (2004). Spatial perception and control. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 11, 54-59.

Knoblich, G., & Kircher T. (2004). Deceiving oneself about being in control: Conscious detection of changes in visuo-motor coupling. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 30, 657-666.

Knoblich, G., Stottmeister, F., & Kircher, T. (2004). Self-monitoring in patients with schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine, 34, 1561-1569.

Mechsner, F., & Knoblich, G. (2004). Do muscles matter in bimanual coordination? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 30, 490-503.

Repp, B. H., & Knoblich, G. (2004). Perceiving action identity: How pianists recognize their own performances.Psychological Science, 15, 604-609.


Flach, R., Knoblich, G., & Prinz, W. (2003). Off-line authorship effects in action perception. Brain and Cognition, 53, 503-513.

Knoblich, G. (2003). Wahrnehmung eigener und fremder Handlungen [Perceiving the actions of self and other].Psychologische Rundschau, 54, 80-92.

Knoblich, G., Elsner, B., Aschersleben, G., & Metzinger, T. (2003). Grounding the self in action. Consciousness and Cognition, 12, 487-494.

Knoblich, G., Elsner, B., Aschersleben, G., & Metzinger, T. (Eds.) (2003). Self and action (Consciousness and Cognition, - Special issue). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

Knoblich, G., Flach, R. (2003). Action identity: Evidence from self-recognition, prediction, and coordination. Consciousness and Cognition, 12, 620-632.

Knoblich, G. & Jordan, S. (2003). Action coordination in groups and individuals: Learning anticipatory control. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 29, 1006-1016.

Leube, D., Knoblich, G., Erb, M., Grodd, W., Bartels, M., Kircher, T. T. J. (2003). The neural correlates of perceiving one's own movements. Neuroimage, 20, 2084-2090.

Leube, D., Knoblich, G., Erb, M., & Kircher, T. (2003). Observing one's hand become anarchic: An fMRI study of action identification. Consciousness and Cognition, 12, 597-608.

Öllinger, M., & Knoblich, G. (2003). Prioritizing the new: Insight creates set for familiar problems. In F. Schmalhofer & R. Young (Eds.), Proceedings of the First European Cognitive Science Conference (pp. 253-258). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Sebanz, N., Knoblich, G., & Prinz, W. (2003). Representing others' actions: Just like one's own? Cognition, 88, B11-B21.

Sebanz, N., Knoblich, G., & Prinz, W. (2003). Your task is my task. Shared task representations in dyadic interactions. In R. Alterman & D. Kirsh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.


Knoblich, G. (2002). Self-recognition: Body and action. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6, 447-449.

Knoblich, G. (2002). Denken [Thinking]. In Deutscher Verein für Öffentliche und private Fürsorge (Ed.): Fachlexikon der sozialen Arbeit (5. Aufl., pp. 197-199). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Knoblich, G. (2002). Problemlösen und logisches Schließen [Problem solving and reasoning]. In J. Müsseler & W. Prinz (Eds.), Allgemeine Psychologie (pp. 644 - 699). Heidelberg: Spektrum.

Knoblich, G. (2002). Wahrnehmung [Perception]. In Deutscher Verein für Öffentliche und private Fürsorge (Hrsg):Fachlexikon der sozialen Arbeit (5. Aufl., pp. 1040-1041). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Knoblich, G., & Jordan, S. (2002). The mirror system and joint action. In M. I. Stamenov & V. Gallese (Eds.): Mirror Neurons and the Evolution of Brain and Language (pp. 115-124). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Knoblich, G., Seigerschmidt, E., Flach, R., & Prinz, W. (2002). Authorship effects in the prediction of handwriting strokes. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 55A, 1027-1046.


Bach, P., Knoblich, G., Friederici, A. D., & Prinz, W. (2001). Comprehension of action sequences: The case of paper, scissors, rock. In J. Moore and K. Stenning (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp 39-44). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Knoblich, G., & Flach, R. (2001). Predicting the effects of actions: Interactions of perception and actionPsychological Science, 12, 467-472.

Knoblich, G., Ohlsson, S., & Raney, G. (2001). An eye movement study of insight problem solving. Memory & Cognition, 29, 1000-1009.

Knoblich, G., & Prinz, W. (2001). Recognition of self-generated actions from kinematic displays of drawing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 27, 456-465.

Mechsner, F., Kerzel, D., Knoblich, G., & Prinz, W. (2001). Perceptual basis of bimanual coordination. Nature, 414(6859), 69-73.

2000 and earlier

Kahraman, B., & Knoblich, G. (2000). "Stechen statt sprechen": Valenz und automatische Aktivierbarkeit von Stereotypen über Türken in Deutschland ["Don't speak, stab!" Valence and automatic activation of stereotypes about Turks in Germany]. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 31, 29-41.

Knoblich, G., & Jordan, S. (2000). Constraints of embodidness on action coordination. In L. R. Gleitman and A. K. Joshi (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 764-769). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Knoblich, G. (1999). Allokation von Aufmerksamkeit und Metakognition beim Problemlösen mit Einsicht [Allocation of attention and metacognition in insight problem solving]. In I. Wachsmuth & B. Jung (Eds.), KogWis99: Proceedings der 4. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft (pp. 134-139). Sankt Augustin: Infix.

Knoblich, G., Ohlsson, S., Haider, H., & Rhenius, D. (1999). Constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition in insight problem solving. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 25, 1534-1556.

Knoblich, G., Ohlsson, S., & Raney, G. (1999). Resolving impasses in problem solving: An eye movement study. In M. Hahn and S. Stoness (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, (pp. 276-281). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Knoblich, G., & Wartenberg, F. (1998). Unbemerkte Lösungshinweise begünstigen Veränderungen der Problemrepräsentation [Non-reportable hints afford changes in problem representation]. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 206, 207-234.

Knoblich, G., & Haider, H. (1996). Empirical evidence for constraint relaxation in insight problem solving. In G. W. Cottrell (Eds.): Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 580 - 585). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Knoblich, G., & Ohlsson, S. (1996). Can ACT-R have insights? In U. Schmid, J. Krems, & F. Wysotzki (Eds.), Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Cognitive Modeling (pp. 161-169). Technische Universität Berlin: Fachbereich Informatik.

Knoblich, G., & Rhenius, D. (1995). Zur Reaktivität Lauten Denkens beim komplexen Problemlösen [Reactivity of thinking aloud during complex problem solving]. Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte Psychologie, XLII, 419-454.