Arianna Curioni


Curioni, A. (2022) What makes us act together? On the cognitive models supporting humans’ decisions for joint action. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 95.

Curioni, A., Voinov, P., Allritz, M., Wolf, T., Call, J., & Knoblich, G. (2022). Human adults prefer to cooperate even when it is costly. Proceeding of the Royal Society B,



Strachan, J. W., Curioni, A., Constable, M. D., Knoblich, G., & Charbonneau, M. (2021). Evaluating the relative contributions of copying and reconstruction processes in cultural transmission episodes. PLOS ONE, 16(9), e0256901.

Van der Wel, R.P.R.D., Becchio, C., Curioni, A. & Wolf, T. (2021) Understanding joint action: Current theoretical and empirical approaches. Acta Psychologica, 215,


Begus, K., Curioni, A., Knoblich, G., & Gergely, G. (2020). Infants understand collaboration: Neural evidence for 9-month-olds’ attribution of shared goals to coordinated joint actions. Social Neuroscience15(6), 655-667.

Curioni, A., Knoblich, G., Sebanz, N., Sacheli, L. (2020) The engaging nature of interactive gestures. PLoS ONE 15(4): e0232128.

Sabu, S., Curioni, A, Vesper, C., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2020). How does a partner’s motor variability affect joint action? PLoS ONE


Curioni, A., & Sacheli, L. M. (2019). The role of social learning and socio-cognitive skills in sensorimotor communication. Comment on" The body talks: Sensorimotor communication and its brain and kinematic signatures" by Pezzulo et al. Physics of life reviews, 28, 24-27. 

Curioni A, Sebanz N, Knoblich G (2019). Joint Action in Humans – A Model for Human-Robot Interactions. In: Goswami A, Vadakkepat P (eds). Humanoid Robotics: A Reference. Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht. 

Curioni, A., Vesper, C., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2019). Reciprocal information flow and role distribution support joint action coordinationCognition, 187, 21-31.


Curioni A, Sebanz N, Knoblich G (2018) Can we identify others' intentions from seeing their movements? Comment on “Seeing mental states: An experimental strategy for measuring the observability of other minds” by Cristina Becchio et al., Physics of Life Reviews, 84-87.


Curioni, A., Minio-Paluello, I., Sacheli, L. M., Candidi, M., & Aglioti, S. M. (2017). Autistic traits affect interpersonal motor coordination by modulating strategic use of role-based behaviorMolecular autism8(1), 23


Candidi, M., Curioni, A., Donnarumma, F., Sacheli, L. M., & Pezzulo, G. (2015). Interactional leader–follower sensorimotor communication strategies during repetitive joint actions. Journal of the Royal Society Interface12(110), 20150644.